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Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is the leading cause of Dry Eye Disease.

The tear layer is composed of 3 layers: oil, aqueous and mucin. Meibomian glands produce adequate quality and quantity of the oil layer, which protects the other layers from evaporating. If the meibomian glands are not functioning correctly, the oil layer will become deficient, and you might experience symptoms of burning, tearing, itching, blurred vision and light sensitivity.

By evacuating the meibomian glands, we can rehabilitate the oil layer to facilitate the quality and quantity of tears being made. A healthy tear film contributes significantly to clear and comfortable vision.

We offer in-office meibomian gland heating and evacuation through TearCare to restore the glands to their proper functions.


Quick Facts about the TearCare® Procedure

  • TearCare® is a tool that applies heat to the eyelids to
  • Personalized open-eye in-office procedure designed to target the underlying cause of
    evaporative dry eye.
  • Fits comfortably to the unique shape of your eyes and harnesses the power of the natural blink.
  • After the thermal procedure, your eye care professional will gently clear the blocked meibum from your eyelids using a special pair of forceps.